Shrubs Page
We carry a large variety of Utah proven shrubs that will be hardy for our unique climate and soil nutrient content. Your shopping experience at our nursery will be enhanced by our demonstration landscapes where you can see what the shrubs and trees will look like when they mature in our local climate. There are many things to consider when choosing your shrubs, our knowledgeable and friendly staff will take the time to walk around our grounds and help you find just the right selections for you.
Most of our shrubs are sold in styles 1#, 2#, 3#, or 5# containers. We can provide larger shrubs per customer requirements. We carry some of the best styles of shrubs including Spirea, Barberry, and Boxwood. Contact us for special selections including Bloomerang Lilac and Foxtail Blue Spruce. Our plants are hardy and can handle the harsh weather conditions in Utah. We work hard to bring you the best selection of plants at quality prices.
We carry a large variety of roses to enhance your yard or commercial property. We carry several varieties, but the styles will fluctuate due to demand and growing season. Contact us about different varieties as we can talk to our suppliers to find out what they provide.
Our knowledgeable staff will provide you with information on how to care for roses, which roses will work best in your yard, and what you can do to enhance the appearance of your roses. Selecting the correct roses will reduce the amount of work you need to worry about when maintaining roses. The other concern is where you will plant the roses. If you do not plant the roses in the right area, they can easily die due to shade or too much sun.
For roses to thrive, plan on at least 6-8 hours of sunlight for each rose. Utah’s desert climate is full of intense heat which can destroy beautiful roses if they do not get some protection and plenty of water. Set up a correct watering system that will ensure each plant receives plenty of water to keep them from dying.
How to Plant Roses
When you are moving roses from containers to your soil, prepare the ground well in advance. Dig a large, wide hole and include manure and compost to loosen the soil and provide nourishment for the roses. Use rose planting mix as it will do a great job helping the roses gain plenty of nourishment. Adding mineral supplements is another way to bolster the color of your roses and ensure they are healthy.
Roses need water three times a week, especially when the 100 degree weather strikes. Plan on digging trenches around the roses, or set up a delayed water drip system to help water get to the roots of the roses quickly.
To keep roses from encountering diseases, use systemic fungicides. The fungicides need to be applied in the early season before you notice a problem with the roses. The roses must be spaced far enough apart from each other to have adequate air circulation, and to ensure they are healthy. If a rose has a disease, cut off the diseased section of the flower and remove it or it can infect other roses. If the rose doesn’t recover from a disease, dig it up and throw it away as it will continue to infect other roses in the area.
Apply insecticides to the roses often as they are commonly exposed to aphids, thrips, root weevils, and cane borers. Systemic insecticides will control common pests that eat away at the beauty of roses. Several insecticides are sold with fertilizer and other elements to keep your roses healthy.
Correct fertilization of roses is the best way to maximize blooms, color, and size. Roses need high levels of nutrients to maintain a healthy growing pattern. Fertilize your roses monthly starting in March when the buds are starting to swell. Stop fertilizing in September as the roses need to go into their dormant mode for the winter.
Prune the roses in the spring before the buds start to swell. Remove all the dead, damaged, or diseased canes from the roses to allow them to grow correctly. Prune branches that are starting to crossover or rubbing other branches. Talk to our staff about your roses to learn more on how you can care for them correctly.